November 21, 2023

SEO Ranking Standard are Rising: Expertise & Experience

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When content creation is easier than ever, how will Google choose who’s #1?

At SearchTides, our thesis is that the cost of creating good content is going to go to zero. As in zero dollars.

With AI, content is easier than ever to generate.

And eventually, when we’ll be able to click a button and have a really good piece of content created. Anybody can do that.

So how does Google or another search engine determine who should actually be recognized for their work?


The Future of Being a Top Ranking Site on Google

Google is going to get higher and higher standards. They’ve been doing that.

Google is going to become more focused on the user experience. They’re already doing that.

They’re going to continue focusing on the user experience and raising their standards, which is basically going to be a cat and mouse game with lower or medium quality websites.

If Google had their way, there would be one website, maybe five websites, in every industry that they knew had fantastic content for their visitors, fantastic technical SEO, a fantastic link profile, and they didn’t need to trust anybody else. Google would simply give them all the traffic.

We’re already seeing the early precursors of that with SGE (Search Generative Experience) search results today.

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